INTUITION… It is the most profound, the most worthy, and the most truthful guidance there is. Intuition is the voice of the heart and the soul, and it is really an art to listen to it.
Let you lead all the way! In excitement, enchanted possibilities and unexpected leads, in delight, with burning passion and a true, worthful connection with not only your soul but with the sparkling you with many others. As souls meet souls! They always do, they will always meet, they will find each other (back). And in the combined energy, loving energy, you contribute to others.
Soul living… is soul giving! It not only fulfills the need and eagerness of your soul to evolve into prosperity, into abundance, the abundant help, flow, and guidance of the universe, but it will alsomake you (a lot) happier! Or happy! Just surrender to your soul and be, live, and radiate your soulful talents. The soulful you!
In the pragmatic disbelief of your truth, in your being, you won’t follow the path you should walk as this is highly foreseen. By the universe. Based on plans and even on universal contracts. Why are you so stubborn to follow the universal leads? Their beautiful guidance? It comes to you through intuition. The universal whisperings leads of being. In the conviction of the mind that your current path is the most suitable path for you lies the greatest misconception. As your mind can’t narrate you on your soul’s path. It is your soul who does. Never underestimate the contributive aspect of your precious soul to your earthly existence. It is the soul that lasts for eternity. And not your mind. Your soul has an enormous outgoing concept of being. It knows where to go. From the start. And your mind doesn’t. It knows your path, your learning lessons, and your life issues. Your mind doesn’t. Your soul is the one who can really make you happy. And we keep on saying: your mind doesn’t. Your soul knows. Always. Your mind thinks it does know. But we keep on repeating… it sure doesn’t.
The universal gatherings of love cannot understand that you follow, almost all of you, beautiful souls, your mind. The mind that keeps on telling you what to do, what to chase, and where to go. This ego-driven thing has conquered your life, narrates and rules it in such a dedicative, dominative, and comprehensive way that the universe starts to believe you live in a pre-dominated society. But isn’t it that the soul, in the universal knowing of belief, in the universal knowing of existence, in the universal surrender to its plan, and perhaps a contract too, is the really one, THE ONE, who knows what to do, what to follow, what to chase? Your mind keeps on thinking it does, but meanwhile, you forget to live your essence of being. Once more. All the time.
Your pre-occupied time on Earth is rather limited if you compare it with the eternal existence of being: the evolution in energy. The eternal evolutionary path. The universe rather suggests listening to the voice of your being: intuition. The highly aligned intuition. As the voice of the heart and the soul. As the voice of the universe. As the voice of your eternal pre-destined path. That beautiful soul path of yours. Why so stubborn, dear soul? Your mind, the ego mind, the ego thing, won’t let you evolve into the highest universal standards of being. Your mind doesn’t chase your passionate dreams. Real passion, real divine empowered passion comes from the heart and soul and can never be evoked by the mind. Don’t shuffle your soul away. Don’t make your mind so important that you live an ego-dominated life. After all, you might think, it makes you happy, but it doesn’t.
The thinking is a massive nasty interference in your foreseen path. The divinely guided path of the soul. It distracts you from your origin, misleads you on your universally guided path, and even makes you believe that chasing those ego things is worth living. But it isn’t. The ego, an ego life, doesn’t make you happy after all. It makes you believe you are happy. Perhaps it is… for a while. We do not underestimate the impact of your ego mind and ego being on your happiness. Nevertheless, true happiness is lived by the heart and soul. The same is true with living your dreams. Do you think you can live and empower your dreams with the mind? No, you can’t. No, it isn’t. We won’t make you disconnected from your mind. Not at all. It is part of your evolutionary human existence. But it is such a short while there. And it has totally, universally seen, no contributive aspect to your being and its evolutionary, eternal path of existence.
Souls can’t be conscious, you know, but in its energetical being lies a comprehensive understanding on the energetical level that it has to evolve. You can compare this with a preprogrammed cell. As a flower knows how to grow and how an animal differs in form, in species, and in outer appearance, so does an energetic soul know how to evolve. Your human form set birth with a great universal plan. Your unique soul plan. All the ins and outs of your current life lie in this beautiful plan. As life forms differ… your soul now sets birth in your human form. But this can vary as there are many, many, different dimensions with also many, many different life forms. This differs from energetical life forms such as the Arcturians and Pleiadians to your vast human life form. Just realize if you can’t see it with your human eye, it won’t mean it isn’t there. Most of you haven’t evolved yet in such a way that you can accomplish these things. And that is okay. Just know it is there too, and you aren’t the only life-form in the universe.
Your soul has a plan. We highly suggest to stick to this plan. This is a soul-driven plan that can’t be followed and lived with your mind. Try to keep the mind off and start feeling with your soul. Start living the life of what you dreamt of with the soul. Seek inner happiness and start living by your soul. Try to rely and trust on your soul, its inner knowings, and its highly sensitive divine leads. Your intuition knows! Always. Stick to that inner belief, and in the stillness of your being, between your breathing, you will find your inner truth. Stick to this truth and dare to rely on this beautiful truth of being. Your inner knowings won’t ever lie to you, won’t mislead you, and won’t make you believe you are unworthy, not loving, without respect, and it even doesn’t make you insecure (anymore). Your intuition gives you a trustworthy basis of being and a balanced trueness. In the essence of knowing, you know yourself too! As the intuition won’t lie to you either. It knows all your flaws, quirks, ‘faults’, and humanly disconnected dualistic sides. The intuitive you, soul-based, embrace you! With love, worthiness, respectfulness, with its unicity, with the convictive you who believes in yourself. With certainty, self-confidence, and most of all, with your loving embracement of being. The greatest achievement of mankind itself is to be okay with oneself. In this okayness of being, you fulfill all your basic human needs. If you base this on what your soul needs. Except for your human needs such as food, security, shelter, and so on. Your soul needs to be accepted. Your soul needs to be seen. Your soul needs its acquaintance with the divine. The alignment with the divine. It can’t be aligned correctly if you only live your mind and its ego. The real alignment comes from within. From your source of being, by the soul, with the source of the universe. The wellspring of all. The source of light and love. Of love and light. Just name it, and you know this. Your loving light within needs to be connected with the highest standards of the universe, and this means that your soul needs alignment with this universal source to be lived in the most appropriate way there is, from the source of being to the source of all being(s).
Love, Irmgard