The intuition is the one, the lead, the universal guidance, who should navigate you by every step you want to make, by every move you make, and every decision you have to make into the own prosperity of the soul. The inner reflection of yourself is worthy of looking at and living, but also unbelievably moving as soon as you have met yourself into the unfolding intuitive leads of being. INTUITION THE PROJECT© is there to get you (re-)acquainted with your rooting self again with your universal roots of being. Lead by the universal energies whispered and narrated to you through your intuition…

Aren’t we all seeking, searching for one or another way for a lead? How to live our lives, what path to take, what kind of steps to take, or even how to figure out what makes us happy. These are questions many of us know. But what we intend to forget when we are seeking answers to these profound life questions is… that everything you desire, every answer, truth, lead, or whatever kind of life advice you need…is all inside you! Yes, you.

Because your dear soul knows the answers, but as we are almost all driven by our minds, we forget to listen to our precious soul. Your inner being not only beholds your awareness, passions, and gifted abilities, but even IT KNOWS! It knows all the answers to the life questions you seek. It is your inner truth, your inner knowing, and your inner, universally given guidance.

Although you can find everything inside your own being, you have to start listening. Start listening to your inner voice. YOUR INTUITION! You can’t hear the whisperings of the soul by the mind. You have to feel deeply inside and trust your inner knowing. As the soul knows! Your first feeling, with the mind, turned on ‘off,’ is your inner feeling. You have to trust
that. That clear knowledge of yourself, of your soul, is your intuitive lead. Your strong pull to follow this voice. You have to trust this. Rely on your intuitive guidance.

The most beautiful, exquisite, and profound alignment is that you trust so strongly in your intuition that you start to follow this. Day by day. As an integrated part of your life. You can see that as a way of living… A WAY OF LIFE! Wouldn’t that be awesome if we could rely, trust, and live more and more on our own intuition and could actually find the answers we seek inside our own beings?

And live it your way as your kind of living. You bet you will know where to go, what (you love) to do, and what enflamed passion makes you happy… It’s right there! Just start listening! In the openness and wideness of your beautiful heart!

Love, Irmgard